The dog with the injured foot is doing great! His part finally did come in and he had surgery last Wednesday. All went just fine. Besides the metal plate to support his foot, they took some bone from his middle toe to give it more structure. I visited him in our isolation room on Saturday and he was grinning his goofy grin - big plastic cone and all. His new owners moved into their new home this weekend and are eager to take him home for a full recovery into a new life.
And some more good news. We have had a cat at the shelter for 14 months. Sweetie came in as a young mom with kittens. The kittens were fostered and went on to find new homes but for some unknown reason neither she or her sister Biscuit seemed to appeal to anyone. Her sister is a long haired orange and black tortie, Sweetie is a muted peach and grey short haired tortie. Both are young, nice, great cats. They had been featured on TV, in the newspaper and on the Internet but never picked. Finally, after a year passed a nice family took Biscuit home to Missoula. Last week I decided to send Sweetie's picture and bio in to a local independent paper for their weekly pet feature (the first time a homeless shelter animal would have been featured) . It must have been a positive jinx because a really nice lady came in on Saturday and actually picked Sweetie to be her feline companion. So Sweetie will be in the paper tomorrow - but already adopted. Although I'll miss seeing her every week I know she will be so much happier with a human of her very own to share her days - and nights - with. They may act independent but they really do enjoy being around us. (In fact, one of my own is sitting above the keyboard right now teasing me with his tail over the qwased keys)