Today I was home with my bad knee and working in my bedroom. Outside were my many resident magpies. I have about 15 now since this spring's hatching. They have nests in the big pine tree in the middle of my backyard and in the trees around the outskirts of the yard. Right now its easy to get annoyed with them as their fledglings sream "FEED ME!, FEED ME!". But I watched them for a while and saw how complicated their communicating really is. I watched one sitting on the fence seeming to talk to itself. It was a fascinating mix of croaking, clicks, soft sqawks, chattering and squeaking. I wish I knew what it was saying. I did some googling and was surprised to see how so many people consider then pests to get rid of.
I miss my blue jays of Minnesota - they are gorgeous birds and fairly easy to tame. Not the maggies. Very wary but also beautiful in a more formal, tuxedo way. No one can deny that when the light hits those blue, iradescent wings feathers. Here's what another web site says about magpies:
"The magpie's speech is symbolic of communication and creative expression. When we hear the magpie speak it is a message to us that we might need to listen to what is being spoken to us - listen with more attention. The chatter of the magpie is also a symbolic message that we may need to speak our minds more clearly....speak up, express our opinions, be creative with our spoken words. The magpie's obsession with shiny things is symbolic of our tendency to chase after false ideas or perceptions. When the magpie comes into our lives it is often a reminder that we may have to re-evaluate our priorities. Are we chasing after unsuitable desires? Are we serving a false ideal? Are we putting materialism ahead of matters of the soul?"