Crow Update
I got up much earlier for me than usual on Saturday to go check on the crow. She wasn't in the tree and she wasn't on the ground so I am going to tell myself that she is fine. I also went back at about 7, my usual feeding time during the week, and the crows spotted my car and showed up for chow. I'm telling myself that the one with the missing wing feathers is my girl. I could be all wrong but it makes me feel better.
So why did I call it a she? Unless you are another crow or an up close and personal vet you can't tell the he crows from the she crows. I just got the feeling it was a she. After looking at this crow close up I did notice that they do have very sharp beaks, very sharp claws on their feet, and strange dark grey eyes. Her eyes were very different from my cockatiel's. More about what I have observed about crows another day.